We are leaders in temperature, electrical, pressure and humidity calibration. To avail of our service, simply drop your instruments into us for calibration, along with a completed Calibration Request Form.

Temperature Calibration Service
We offer in-house calibration certification on a wide range of instruments. All measurements are fully traceable to recognised national or international standards.
Typical Instruments covered: HACCP Food Thermometers, Digital hand Held Thermometers and Probes, Fridge Thermometers, Temperature Recorders, Temperature Dataloggers, Dial Thermometers, PT100’s and Thermocouples, Temperature Transmitter Assemblies.

Electrical Calibration Service
We offer in-house calibration certification for all Electrical Contractors Test Instruments required to meet the ETCI Wiring Rules, including: RCD, loop impedence, insulation and continuity testers.
All measurements are fully traceable to recognised national or international standards.We calibrate Installation Testers, Loop Impedance Testers, RCD Testers, PAT Testers from all the major brands. All major brands are catered for.

Pressure Calibration Service
We offer in-house calibration of Pressure Indicators and Transmitters. All measurements are fully traceable to recognised national or international standards.
Typical Instruments covered: Dial Pressure Gauges, Digital Pressure Gauges, Pressure Switches, Micrometers, Pressure Calibrators, Pressure Indicators, Pressure Transducers, Pressure Transmitters, Standard Test Gauges.

Humidity Calibration Service
We offer in-house calibration certification on hand-held Humidity Indicators and Dataloggers. All measurements are fully traceable to recognised national or international standards.
Typical Instruments covered: Datalogging Systems, Hand Held Humidity Indicators, Humidity Transmitters, Digital Indicator with Probe, Humidity Loggers, Humidity Recorders, RH Transmitters. Humidity Range Covered : 10% to 95% RH.