Ametek Temperature and Pressure Calibrators offer portable solutions, from Advanced Temperature Calibration units (ATC Series) to the handheld ETC Series. Various ranges and accuracies are covered for all requirements.

Ametek Temperature and Pressure Calibrators offer portable solutions, from Advanced Temperature Calibration units (ATC Series) to the handheld ETC Series. Various ranges and accuracies are covered for all requirements.
E+E Electronik’s Humor 20 High Precision Humidity Calibrator is the ideal reference instrument to maintain accurate, reproducible and documentable calibration system. E+E also operates a nationally accredited calibration laboratory.
Kambic Metrology specialise in making world class metrology products and solutions. Their goal is delivering the ideal balance between an optimised solution, quality and price.
From the labs of small independent calibration providers to vast multinational pharmaceutical manufacturers, we can help choose the most appropriate and cost-effective fully modular calibration system for your needs.
WIKA offers a broad product spectrum of calibration instruments for pressure, temperature and electrical measured values with a multitude of specific of specific patents ensure unmatched performance characteristics.